How Vanessa Went from Feeling Stuck and Unmotivated To Confirming Her Aligned Career Path

Vanessa testimonial

Listen to Vanessa’s testimonial in this podcast episode:

In episode #036,  Vanessa (an FYFC alum) and I chat about her journey toward career fulfillment and share her testimonial. 

Vanessa shares how she went from feeling stuck and unmotivated at work and unsure about the alignment between her career goals and her job to clarifying the source of her dissatisfaction and landing a new job within the time frame she established for herself when she joined FYFC.

Find Your Fulfilling Career (FYFC) is our signature group coaching program for women who are unhappy at work and ready to transition out of an unaligned career path but have no clue what they would do instead.⁠

What else is covered:

  • Vanessa’s Testimonial: How she realized she needed a career professional to determine her next career move.
  • What made Vanessa decide to work with me and join Find Your Fulfilling Career (FYFC)?
  • The benefits of FYFC’s group coaching format, according to Vanessa.
  • How FYFC’s assessments helped Vanessa understand herself and her career situation better. 
  • How affirmations encouraged Vanessa to set career goals.
  • Vanessa’s advice for you if you’re considering joining FYFC. 

Resources mentioned in this episode:

If you’d like access to the transcript for this episode, please email us at


Fulfilling Career, Show Notes, the fulfilling career podcast

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