How Patsy Went from Losing Confidence in Herself to Prioritizing Her Values

In episode #028,  Patsy (an FYFC alum) shares how she went from close to rock bottom in her career to identifying and articulating her values, which helped her understand why her most recent work experience hadn’t been successful, and how she leveraged all she learned to secure a job without applying.

Find Your Fulfilling Career is our signature group coaching program for women who are unhappy at work and ready to transition out of an unaligned career path but have no clue what they would do instead.⁠

What else is covered:

  • Patsy's reevaluation process when she started feeling unhappy at work
  • What convinced Patsy to invest in herself and her career
  • How Patsy found peace and the ability to thrive in her career through FYFC's value clarification
  • How Patsy regained hope and confidence in herself during FYFC
  • Patsy's advice for you if you're considering joining FYFC

Resources mentioned in this episode:


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