How Montana Became Clear and Confident In Her Next Career Move After 16 Years

In episode #036,  Montana (an FYFC alum) and I chat about her journey from being on one path for 16 years and feeling unhappy and adrift in her current role, and unclear about her next move.

Montana shares how her unaligned role was draining her energy, making it difficult for her to try to navigate the career transition on her own, which is why she opted for a program with a proven framework she could follow without expending too much energy... which led her to FYFC! 

Find Your Fulfilling Career (FYFC) is our signature group coaching program for women who are unhappy at work and ready to transition out of an unaligned career path but have no clue what they would do instead.⁠

What else is covered:

  • How Montana's DIY efforts were ineffective, which led to her seeking expert guidance 
  • The ways Montana was able to figure out her transferable skills 
  • How Montana was able to eliminate career options once she developed her clear parameters 
  • Montana's advice for you if you're considering joining FYFC 

Resources mentioned in this episode:

If you'd like access to the transcript for this episode, please email us at


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