5 Ways Work Stress is Costing Your Organization

In episode #o11 of the podcast, I share the 5 ways work stress is impacting an organization's bottom line for the leader. If you're a leader who cares about employee performance, this episode is for you!

I share quite a few stats and data in this episode, so be sure to have your note and en ready as you listen.

The 5 Ways Work Stress is Costing Your Organization are:

  1. Reduces employee productivity and engagement
  2. Increases absentees
  3. Shoots up administrative costs for an organization.
  4. Rises the healthcare costs incurred by employers.
  5. Higher accident, injury, and turnover rates.

I go over each point in detail in this episode.

What else is covered:

  • The physical and mental effects of work stress
  • The Great Resignation
  • The "flight or fight" response
  • General statistics to back everything up.

So, with everything all coming down to work stress negatively impacting your organization, your question would probably be: what's the solution? What should I do? Become a trauma-informed leader. That's the answer

But how?

Listen until the end of the podcast to find out.

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