Client Results

See how other women have gotten career clarity, secured aligned jobs and increased their salaries with our career coaching support.

Jodi went from just going through the motions in her career to securing multiple aligned interviews

Montana went from feeling adrift in her career to identifying her next aligned move

5-figure salary increases

Secured a $37,000 Salary Increase!

"I tried a few different methods, but none that I was truly invested in. Most of it felt less purposeful like I was just trying to get as many applications in as possible. But, I was tired of feeling stuck. I just knew I was destined to be doing more and my current job made me feel like I was moving backwards. I also did not want to keep trying the same thing expecting a different result, that only added to my stress. This investment felt like a risk, but one worth taking. The interviewing resources really helped, as well as the strategis on how to reach out on LinkedIn to grow my network. I held myself more accountable to taking all the action steps because I remember that I paid for it - and there was no time to waste money while I was working to make more money. The job search tracker was also super helpful in navigating all the rejections I received. I ended up receiving a job offer at my number one choice and an increase of $37,000 in my salary."


Senior Associate


Secured a $55,000 Salary Increase!

"I was spinning my wheels, in my job search! I would get FOMO from the jobs I saw posted, and rush to apply. But this was done BEFORE I knew exactly what I wanted and why, and I don't believe I put my best foot forward. I had a really hard time marketing myself for the roles I wanted or even figuring out what roles I wanted! I was wasting a lot of time. I invested in this program because I wanted to be efficient and effective with my job search and was tired of using free information online about job searching and resumes. The program really helped me see and understand my worth and I got tangible concrete materials I could apply at every step of the process. I never felt lost during this process. That level of support helped to reduce my anxiety and increase my efficiency in job searching. I landed a new job with a $55,000 salary increase and know that I have the agency to find any job that I truly want."


Behavioral Research Scientist


Two aligned career moves in two years...

"After every FYFC session, I had to answer “What is fulfilling to you?” and that was a hard question because for most of my life I had been told what is fulfilling. Two years after the program, in my moment of feeling really lost again, I went back to the FYFC workbook. And just looking at the first two pages, I was able to use it to guide my next transition. I’m not sure where I would have landed if I hadn’t done the program. I wouldn’t have been fully clear on what I wanted to do. I would have just “hoped” I landed something. Even now, if I hadn’t gotten clear, I would have taken another role just to escape a miserable situation."

Press play to listen to Sidney's story.


Program Manager

client results

Clarified Transferable Skills + $30,000 Increase

I was looking for a slight career change and didn’t know how to make all my “unrelated” skills and responsibilities look more transferable for the job I wanted. 

I used the resume resources to create a resume that pulled together my experiences in a cohesive narrative. I used the cover letter strategies to talk about my experiences and I landed the job! I’ve used this system three times and landed the job every single time. My salary has since increased by $30,000.


Recruitment Manager


Interview Confidently + $20,000 Increase

The interview resources and examples in the program and the guidance I got on developing my answers and being prepared were so specific that they helped me feel prepared. The questions it said to expect were so much stronger than another career coaching program I did. 

I had interviews with multiple people for this role, and was able confidently and consistently navigate all of my responses. Plus, the negotiation resources were very helpful. I secured the role with a $20K salary increase.


Associate Director of Operations


Success After Going Through Many Coaches


Civil Engineer

Before FYFC, I was feeling lost and unstructured in my career coaching experience. I didn't know what I truly liked or valued and how I'd go about changing my field. I feared failure and had low optimism about whether a fulfilling career could be possible for me. I enrolled in FYFC because I really resonated with Tega & her content on social media etc. I've never related more about career coaching than I did with this program, thought I'd give it a try, had nothing to lose but some money.

I just wanted to learn something and try something new after having gone through many career coaches on and off. FYFC gave me the structure, organization, and final push that I've been needing for several years. After FYFC, I quit my extremely toxic job and industry that I've been miserable in for so many years. I became debt free and saved up enough money to take a few months off before I venture into something more in alignment with my being. I really liked the workbook, the career assessments, and the group coaching calls.

I believe in myself more after this program because it made me more aware of what I want and would be good at in the career world. I've changed a lot in the last few months. I move with more ease, confidence, and clarity in life. I got rid of the fears I had been holding onto for multiple years.


Lauren went from frustrated and stressed to landing interviews.

Pamela went from unfocused, and overwhelmed to clear and focused.

Latiece went from misaligned to bold and confident.

Jasmine went from unintentional and nervous to clear and hopeful.

Shanell went from stuck to motivated and intentional.

Emily went from unhappy and afraid to courageous in her pivot.

client results

New Direction and Confidence

Before FYFC, I felt lost, no sense of direction, and a lack of confidence in my ability to successfully transition into a new career. I did not know my high-value interest areas or the reasons I kept leaving my varied positions before. FYFC allowed me to separate myself from my career and concentrate once really important. I cannot say it enough how much the clarity I got from this program has truly impacted my life. I have been able to be more intentional when updating my resume and cover letter. After the program I now have direction, confidence in my ability to apply for positions I would have never considered before. Honestly, the confidence and insight I have into who I am is priceless. I feel job, encouragement, and excitement as I work on my transition plan.


Outpatient Coordinator


Broadened Career Horizon

Before FYFC I was not feeling very connected to my career. I was burnt out and tired of the overall stress. I was also feeling limited by societal expectations of what kinds of jobs I could get with my career. I felt like I had been floundering in my career since I left grad school. FYFC opened me up to what’s possible in my career. It literally opened up my brain to realize I have options! Everything I learned In the program helped to take some of the pressure I was putting on myself to figure it out and not get it wrong. I realized that If I get it wrong, my life isn't going to blow up. I don’t think that way anymore. I am super appreciative I found FYFC. I’m grateful to have listened to the Holy Spirit and that I was able to be part of the program. I’m excited about my career and business!


Customer Success Manager


Patsy went from losing confidence in herself to prioritizing her values.

Leslie went from and confused to confident in her career choices.

client results

Secured an Aligned Role

Before FYFC, I was bored in my career but didn't have the language to tell anyone how to help me. I also didn't have any way to create a plan to change my situation. I invested in FYFC because of my belief in investing in development and paying someone for their skill set.

After the program, I clarified exactly what my zone of genius was, which was something I would never have discovered on my own. Clarifying my values helped me establish my boundaries and exactly what I didn't want to do. I also had the language to job search effectively and communicate what I wanted and not settle. I secured a role that is a really good fit with a $20k increase. And I didn't even have to move!


Safety Trainer


Learned to Network

Before joining the program, I was not confident in my ability to go after the career that I wanted, and I let fear hold me back from pursuing opportunities. I was also worried that I may not be successful in my fulfilling career because of lack of experience.

I chose to join FYFC because I wanted to find a career that aligns with my interests. I think the biggest accomplishment I made in joining FYFC is taking the initiative to reach out to other people to connect with them. Prior to joining FYFC, I would not consider networking with people I have never met but I now understand the importance of building relationships with other people. 


Income Auditor


Hatou went from unmotivated to  saying no to unfulfilling jobs.

Joslynn went from stuck and confused to confident in her transition.

Vanessa went from confused to landing a value-aligned role.

Read about their 5- and 6-figure salary increases

Rachel's journey to a $135,000 increase

I secured a director level role with an increase of $135,000 in my salary.”

How was your job search going before joining the program?
I had several management level job opportunities where I had gone for 2nd or 3rd interviews but not gotten the job. I quickly realized she was overqualified for the roles I was applying for, hence the negative outcomes – it was frustrating.

Why did you decide to make this investment your job search?
I realized that in looking at director level positions I would need to improve my interview and negotiation skills. I had been following you on social media and really liked the philosophy behind your work. I compared the time I had wasted underestimating my ability to work at the director level as well as my potential to earn more at the director level and the investment made sense.

What coaching session/program material or activity helped you the most?
They were all great - but the top 3 are the first session preparing me for the interview and developing an interview strategy was really valuable. The job search strategy curriculum was also very helpful in learning how to research and negotiate my salary. And one on one support in thinking through the initial offer and my counteroffer.

The Simplfied Job Search Method was also really valuable in setting the tone so that my boss appreciated my value - you helped me think through how to negotiate with my boss given what I had learned about her personality during the interview, so I was able to negotiate a better offer but I was also able to set a strong foundation for the relationship with my boss.

Rachel was able to negotiate:

  • A later start date
  • Holidays off without using leave days
  • Paid break while relocating
  • A $5,000 increase in moving expenses
  • Being able to live in a different city closer to her support system
  • Tripled her salary from a basic salary of $65,000 to $200,000

All during a global pandemic 🤯.

Director of Operations

Sara's journey to a $55,000 increase

I secured a role with a team I'm truly excited about with an increase of $55,000 in my salary.”

How was your job search going before joining the program?
I was spinning my wheels, mostly! I would get FOMO from the jobs I saw posted, and rush to apply (customizing the resume and cover letter as I go). But this was done BEFORE I knew exactly what I wanted and why, and I don't believe I put my best foot forward. I had a really hard time marketing myself for the roles I wanted or even figuring out what roles I wanted! I was wasting a lot of time.

Why did you decide to make this investment your job search?
I realized that the communication style needed for a successful job search was distinct and I didn’t know how to speak that language. I wanted to be efficient and effective with my job search and was tired of using free information online about job searching and resumes.

What coaching session/program material or activity helped you the most?
I built so much confidence in a short amount of time. I was able to be more critical in how I read job postings and evaluate them for fit. The program really helped me see and understand my worth and I got tangible concrete materials I could apply at every step of the process. I never felt lost during this process. That level of support helped to reduce my anxiety and increase my efficiency with job searching.

Because of The Simplfied Job Search Method I’m coming out of my job search holding my head high and knowing that I have the agency and responsibility to find a job that I truly want.

Behavioral Research Scientist

Nina's journey to a $37,000 increase

I am happy to report that I just received a job offer at my number one choice and an increase of $37,000 in my salary.

How was your job search going before joining the program?
I tried a few different methods, but none that I was truly invested in. Most of it felt less purposeful, like I was just trying to get as many applications in as possible. Once I had some of my non-negotiables in the career I wanted, it helped narrow down the number of applications I submitted. Instead of thinking “Oh, I can do this” I questioned, “Do I want to do this?”

Why did you decide to make this investment your job search?
I was tired of feeling stuck. I just knew I was destined to be doing more and my current job made me feel like I was moving backwards. I also did not want to keep trying the same thing expecting a different result, that only added to my stress. I work really hard on being intentional and I wanted to approach my job search in that same way. This investment felt like a risk, but one worth taking.

What coaching session/program material or activity helped you the most?
The interviewing resources really helped, as well as the tips on how to reach out on LinkedIn to grow my network. I held myself more accountable to taking all the action steps because I remember that I paid for it- and there was no time to waste money, while I was working to make more money.

You mentioned that you were exhausted during the process and learned patience and endurance. Was there anything in the program that helped you with this?
One thing that was also very helpful was keeping track of all the jobs I was apply for. I had the chance to look back and see how far I had come. I would also track any outcomes from these jobs. I was receiving quite a few interviews, and each time I felt like “this is the one!” Each time when I got that rejection email/call I did my very best to remind myself that it was because that role was not for me. In keeping track and keeping this level of endurance I felt strength in the strides I was making, even if I did not receive an offer.

The best part of the tracking is that looking back, I realized that each new job I interviewed for was what better than the last, making me feel like the best is yet to come.

Senior Associate

Alejandra's journey to a $20,000 increase

I landed a job within 6 months with an increase of $20,000 in my salary.

How was your job search going before joining the program?
I wasn't getting the results I wanted. The Simplfied Job Search Method was super helpful! I landed a job within 6 months of taking the course!

What coaching session/program material or activity helped you the most?
 Leveraging the power of LinkedIn is what helped the most. I began using it more often and connecting with ppl, and a former colleague of mine actually sent over a job post.  I used all your tips and tricks to create a catered cover letter and resume. Needless to say, I landed the job!

I increased my salary by  $20,000 and am now making close to 6 figures, have great benefits/perks, and I’m working with a great group of people!

Program Manager

Beth's journey to a $13,000 increase

I went from being underpaid to a $13,000 increase in my salary.

How was your job search going before joining the program?
My job search was all over the place. I felt so unfocused and despondent. I felt lost and on my own.

Why did you decide to make this investment your job search?
I attended your free webinar and I loved the empowerment and the focus on knowing my value. The bonuses helped. I was given a very small severance and decided it was worth investing that in this program.

What coaching session/program material or activity helped you the most?
The Interview prep! Seeing the proposed questions and then I wrote down solid answers and practiced them until I felt more confident. And then I used those notes on my interview! Also, the LinkedIn session was a helpful process to focus for myself on important key words I wanted to highlight. 

What was your job search like after joining the program?
My job search was so much more focused with clear to do lists. I felt very supported and resourced. I increased my salary $13,000! I was underpaid before (and was let go), and I'm probably still on the lower end of what I could be making, but I'm happy to have found something. And I was clear that it was a good next step for me because of the clarity work I had done in the program.

Non-Profit Lead

You're Not Alone in This

"I needed to figure out what I truly want for my career, but I just didn’t know where to start or even how to go about it. FYFC was great! There's a lot of information out there that just seems unrelatable and even inaccessible. However, the FYFC modules and the tools provided helped bring it home and make looking inwards that much easier. I enjoyed the sessions. It was good to hear the other women’s stories- there’s a comfort in knowing you’re not alone in this figuring out life business."


Data Analyst


Prioritize Your Values

"I was at a point where I felt lost, career wise. I needed some help figuring out if I was going down the right path or if I needed to completely change course. FYFC forced me to understand and prioritize my values. After the program, it was clear to me that my current career path was not aligned with my top my values and that to find fulfillment, I needed to pursue my career that was more in line with my  “non-negotiables”. "


Finance Analyst


Confirm Your Next Career Move

"I enrolled in FYFC because I was feeling unhappy and unfulfilled in my career. I wasn't sure what to do to fix it or my next career move. The zone of genius assessment confirmed my next career move. FYFC clarified how and why people get into careers that are unfulfilling and helped me see that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel! This program was very helpful and insightful for me in my career! "


Program Specialist


"FYFC fixes your life!"

I knew I was unhappy, but I couldn’t quite articulate why I was unhappy. I started believing that this is all I’m good for and I’m not relevant outside of this. From just my enrollment call, I knew FYFC would be able to help me name my frustration. FYFC helped me realize, I’m not broken and why I was frustrated. It helped me set boundaries for myself and my teammates that made things at my unfulfilling job a little bit better. After FYFC I redid my CV and was able to talk myself up in a truthful and authentic way. I was more confident in myself as a professional and able to identify my transferable skills. FYFC helped me remember who I am.

Press play to listen to Vivien's story.


Operations and Business Development Specialist

client results

Develop Your Confidence

"I found myself feeling this sense of unfulfillment in my career. After FYFC, I clarified my values and beliefs. It’s like it helped me build my foundation over. I’m prouder of who I am and more confident in my abilities.The values and beliefs assessment helped me to grow as a person. I not only use these values in my career search but also in my friendships and relationships. I now know what my limits and boundaries are. FYFC is life changing."


Executive Assistant


Get Career Clarity

"I truly believe that FYFC is an answer to my prayers. Because of FYFC I was able to develop more confidence and direction in my career journey. I am so much clearer about the types of career I’ll find fulfilling now, I understand what was preventing me from moving forward. So, to anyone who is on the fence about working with Tega: Go for it! View this as an investment in your future that is 100% worth it."


Senior Loan Officer


Enjoli went from doubting herself to embracing her options.

Taylor went from dissatisfied to landing an aligned role.

Liz went from being stagnant and lost to discovering her aligned options.

Tap to read their stories...

Esther learned to show up as her authentic sellf.


How were you feeling about your life and career before FYFC?
I was struggling with confidence and clarity. While I do have a specific job title in mind, I am struggling heavily with imposter syndrome & also understanding the deeper why (which will broaden my target jobs & help me understand what is a good fit).
Also looking for clarity on understanding my why & gaining a sense of direction. I'm hoping to dig into understanding more of what I want and what I am good at, to feel truly grounded in my career search for a fulfilling job.

What did you try before joining FYFC?
I've tried applying to jobs, optimizing resume for ATS by using jobscan (took FAR too much time), adding recruiters on LinkedIn, creating brag folder, reading about imposter syndrome, giving myself a "deadline" by telling my bosses I'm job hunting (and timeline).

What was your biggest win from the program?
FYFC literally changed my life. Like, LITERALLY. When we talked about how society describes what women "should" be: quiet, agreeable, shy, nurturing...basically (my words) NOT original, NOT having our own desires, NOT having ambition, NOT pushing back on other, NOT standing up for ourselves, NOT fighting for what we want, NOT using our voice, NOT making change...

It made me cry, right then, on the call. I had never thought about it that way. That kind of thinking keeps women small, benefits letting other have control...but it sure as hell doesn't benefit me!!!!!!

Thank you thank you thank you. I'm almost 30 and for the first time thinking it is not only okay to be different and okay to succeed -- but that maybe I should succeed BECAUSE I am different. The mindset work we did in FYFC has been so valuable. It's shifting the foundations for how I see myself. I know that will have positive ripple effect far beyond my career, and for my life.


Financial Analyst

Roxanne learned to apply information about herself.



Supervisor/ Mental Health Therapist

How were you feeling about your life and career before FYFC?
Before the program, I didnt have a clear path as to what I was interested in, what I valued at work/in general, or a way to start figuring these things out. I enrolled in the program because I felt it was more than a resume building class like the other offerings I had seen.

What did you try before joining FYFC?
I signed up for career coaches newsletters, reviewed my Cliftons Strengths Finder results. I know I need to make a change but don’t know where I would go with my background

What was your biggest win from the program?
I think the highlights/wins of FYFC were the sessions spent analyzing the results of the inventories we completed. It is one thing to have the results; it is another thing to know how to apply them. Another win was sharing space with women who were in the same position as me even though they are in different parts of their lives.

What would you tell someone who was thinking about joining FYFC?
I would tell anyone who was thinking of joining FYFC that this is the program for you if you are ready to make the next steps in feeling enthused about going to work. I would also add that this is for someone who has the mental space to do the deep work to identify values and wants. Lastly, I would say that this program doesnt force you to jump into the next role the next day. This program gives you the tools to be ready when you are ready.

Maria learned to articulate what she wants in her next role.


How were you feeling about your life and career before FYFC?
I was feeling stuck. I didn’t have the work-life balance I wanted and knew I needed to do something else. But once I start looking at positions that I think will pay me well, I feel like I cannot apply because my experience does not match up

What did you try before joining FYFC?
I tried many career assessments and did a lot of job searching but they didn’t lead me to any results. But I struggled to know if I was qualified for the roles I was seeing.

What was your biggest win from the program?
The first three sessions were eye opening. I had to reflect on what I wanted, my values, and interests. Since completing FYFC I have realized that I had been going about job searching the wrong way.

Rather than matching myself up with a job, I realized I needed to match up my values to the job and transferable skills. I feel content being able to verbally say what I want from my next career and whether a career matches up with my values.

Now I know what my next career goal is and know I just need to pick up some experience along the way.



Liz learned to leverage information about herself to secure an aligned role.


How were you feeling about your life and career before FYFC?
A lot was holding me back for a long time and I knew I needed to make a change, but I was not sure what to do or where to start. Long story short, I graduated college during the last recession and somewhat fell into the career that I have because I had no choice. I fought ups and downs in my career ever since, felt like I was spinning my tires and not actually growing as individuals above me told me I was not good enough.

This affected me, but I also know that it's not true ( now, I think it has more to do with them than it does me). I know I am smart, I know I have skills, and I know that I have unique talents, but I was coming up short when trying to figure out what the perfect (or reasonably good) fit position is for me.

What did you try before joining FYFC?
Talked to recruiters, applyed for positions that sound interesting, Looking at job descriptions, journaling about what would make me happy in a new position.

What was your biggest win from the program?
I believe my biggest wins came from the learnings I received from the course itself and the assessments that I took. I learned that that my interests were not necessarily misaligned in my career, but my values were misaligned with my previous companies. I also gained a clear understanding of what my non-negotiables in my career are based off my values and interest. This will help me to continue to carveout my career path moving forward as well as help with future negotiations.

In my last week of FYFC, I landed a new job in my current field with a company that better aligns with my personal values. I am excited to be onboarding with this company as they are experiencing expansive growth and there will be a lot of opportunity for my career in the future. I feel that FYFC changed me and helped me to become more confident. While I am not changing my career at this time, I gained a lot out of this course. I have learned more about myself, my interests, my values, and most importantly, how they pertain to my career. This has already grown my confidence and helped me to reach new goals.


Freelance Digital Marketing Specialist - Search Engine Marketing

6 months from now, you'll wish you started today.

Losing Money

You’re leaving money on the table and reducing your earning potential each day you're stuck in an unfulfilling career living paycheck to paycheck.

Losing Time

You're exhausting your time and energy every second you send resumes to a black hole where you never hear back from anyone and keep feeling disappointed.

Losing Yourself

Your confidence is taking a beating with every moment you spend feeling frustrated and overwhelmed while trying to DIY your job search.

Losing Your Health

Your mental and physical health are deteriorating every sleepless night you spend stressing about your next career and dreading your current job.

Tap to read their stories...

Chong clarified who she is and her unique value-add


 How were you feeling about your life and career before FYFC?
I felt like I was drowning and overworked in unaligned roles. I was doing multiple roles without the support and just kept getting more stressed and overworked. I lost myself again, no motivation, no direction. I just know my current role wasn’t working for me, I wanted to make a change right away by taking action and developing a solution. The organization just didn’t fit me as a person. I felt sad anytime someone left for new employment, wishing I would have somewhere to go as well.

What did you try before joining FYFC?
I worked with colleagues to update my resume. I applied to multiple positions to never hear back or being told that I meet the minimum qualifications only. I tried to self-help by watching YouTube channels, reading/seeking Instagram pages for content that could use to grow myself, and followed LinkedIn profiles to gain different perspectives and to development a different mindset. I continued to find myself stuck in the same place, same constraints, same issues. I concluded, time after time that I need clarity. And to get clarity, I needed to work with a mentor/coach so that I can see outside of myself and truly address my career blockage.

What was your biggest win from the program?
I gained better clarity on the following:

  • Identifying my core work values, how those were being violated, and how could use this information to target my next role.
  • Identifying my strong interest and connecting them to roles that I may be successful in.
  • Gaining tools and different insight to pivot forward.

FYFC in its entirety created a foundation for me to build upon. FYFC has helped me to slow down and to self-assess who I am at the core. FYFC has helped me to be more aware of my core work values. 

My favorite result from the program is really understanding myself for who I am, what drives me, what makes me unique.

What would you tell someone who was thinking about joining FYFC?
If you are seeking clarity in self and want to develop a fulfilling career, this is definitely a workshop that is worthy of your time and investment.


Employment & Training Worker

Sidney secured a role she never thought she would have.



Senior Analyst

How were you feeling about your life and career before FYFC?
I think my biggest challenge was the lack of clarity on what job titles/positions I should be applying for. In addition to that I needed to work on identifying my values and rebranding myself in a way that connects to them. I also found myself feeling a lack of clarity on what I would really like to do and which industry to look for positions in. I had only worked in one industry for so long. Finally, I continually found myself feeling afraid, especially during the time of COVID19.

What did you try before joining FYFC?
I participated in Ellevate Network Squads, I listened to different podcasts - many by HBR. I read a few books - The Four Agreements. I tried reflecting on my recent academic coursework and pieces of my job to identify areas where I have enjoyed and excelled. I think my results have been halted by my fears and feelings of despair hopelessness connected to the pandemic.

What was your biggest win from the program?
FYFC allowed me to unpack what led me to feel like I couldn't have a fulfilling career and empowered me to go about my life differently. My experience with FYFC was life changing. More than a month after I completed the program I revamped my approach to job searching, which led to more interviews and emails from recruiters that I wasn't getting before.

I also was much more confident in assessing different role descriptions. There were amazing roles that I walked away from - because after FYFC, I was much clearer on what I wanted in my next role. I am now a Senior Analyst at a Healthcare Institution in Boston and am loving every second of it.

Before FYFC I never thought I could be an Analyst. FYFC really helped me dismantle and reprogram my mindset - that my skills were transferable and if I became clear on what was important to me - values, environment, and what I wanted to learn, I could achieve any role I wanted. Thank you so much Tega!

Tulonga identified her mindset barriers and the root of her frustrations.


How were you feeling about your life and career before FYFC?
I didn’t know what I really liked. I thought I wanted a new degree because of my love of teaching and research but had no idea what I would get a degree in. I was also afraid. I knew that I didn’t enjoy what I was doing but I just didn't have the confidence in myself to know that I could do something that I love.

What did you try before joining FYFC?
I read a book called The Purpose Driven Life. I prayed and asked for my purpose. I found that it's teaching. So, I started part-time lecturing again in 2020 (I had stopped in 2019 when I was questioning my purpose).

I started seriously blogging a few years back.

What was your biggest win from the program?
Identifying mindset barriers and determining my values. I realize that the root of my frustration was comparison and living by the 'shoulds'. I was also ruled by fear and FYFC gave me the skills to navigate myself through the fear and tools to do it anyway. The other ladies also helped a lot with their life stories, and it's great to know that you're not alone. I learnt a lot about myself through creating values



Brook discovered she had skills when she used to think she didn't.


How were you feeling about your life and career before FYFC?
I just had a negative mindset and I felt stuck. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do and was scared of picking wrong or making mistakes.

What did you try before joining FYFC?
I tried taking several different kinds of personality tests, job tests, etc. I felt overwhelmed with the results and all of the choices. I even started volunteering to try getting different skills.

What was your biggest win from the program?
Oh gosh, so many big results! Seeing my negative mindsets, realizing fear is okay to have and finding a way to push past it. Telling myself to just believe in myself and the possibilities.

Finding out I knew myself all along, I just didn't feel confident in it before. I really just needed a hand to hold along the way and I had Tega and the rest of my group, wonderful and encouraging ladies to discuss all of these things with. Realizing I had skills when I thought I didn't. And then to top it off narrowing jobs down to 3 careers, any of which I would absolutely LOVE to do! I've never had so much clarity and that has given me new excitement and motivation about my future.



Stop Questioning Your Career Decisions

"Before joining FYFC, I was looking for something new in my career without knowing exactly what it was that I wanted. FYFC helped me clarify my interests and values. I can now describe what I’m looking for in my career and I feel a lot more genuine to both myself and others when I describe what I want! I’ve been able to articulate to my boss and HR exactly what I’m looking for in my next role and use phrases like “I want to be in a role where I can be an influencer of decisions”. Now I’m getting connected with the right people in my company who will be able to help me more directly! I feel surer about what I want to do and I’m not constantly questioning all my career moves. I gained so much clarity from all the sessions"




Get Out of Your Own Way

"I enrolled in FYFC because I was at a point in my career where I felt stuck, unmotivated and lost my passion. I knew that there were other career options out there that would be a better fit for me, but I had no idea where to start. FYFC helped me clarify my values and explore mindset barriers and thought patterns that were getting in the way of me truly stepping out and exploring career options. I now know how to clarify my values to ensure that there is alignment with the potential organization that I am working for. It also provided a lot of insight as to why certain jobs just didn't work out.


School Psychologist


Change Your Approach to Job Searching

"Before FYFC, I don’t really know what my skills and talents are, and I’m not sure even if I did, I would know how to apply them to a fulfilling career rather than just a job. I wanted a career that God has willed for me and for which I am able to give Him ultimate glory. I joined FYFC because of Tega’s God-first approach, I also love that the program has lifetime access 😊 After FYFC, I’m now super clear about what my interests are and have a different mindset regarding job searching!"


Sales Associate


Women work with me when they're struggling to find or secure an aligned job without starting over in their careers.

Learn more about the different ways you can work with me to reach your career goals; including one-on-one career coaching and my group career decision-making program. 

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