Are you tired of being unhappy at work with no idea what to do instead?

Being miserable at work shouldn't be your norm.

Are you tired of being unhappy at work with no idea what to do instead?

Being miserable at work shouldn't be your norm.

Black Women Talk Work
Career Development Quarterly
Hello Giggles
Black Women Talk Work
Hello Giggles
Career Development Quarterly

It's time to enjoy what you do for a living!

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After working your way through the fulfilling career guide, you will be able to:

Before FYFC, I don’t really know what my skills and talents are. After FYFC, I’m now super clear about what my interests are and have a different mindset regarding job searching!


Sales Associate

I loved clarifying my values and beliefs. I’m prouder of who I am and more confident in my abilities. I now know what my limits and boundaries are. FYFC is life-changing.


Execeutive Assistant

I was able to identify the beliefs and thought patterns that were getting In the way of me truly stepping out and exploring career options. I got insight as to why certain jobs didn’t work out.


School Psychologist

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