Apply to Career Clarity in A Day

You deserve to enjoy what you do for a living.

Apply to Career Clarity in A Day.

You deserve to enjoy what you do for a living.

Welcome and I'm so glad you're interested in experiencing career transformation through this VIP Weekend!

Career Clarity in A Day is an intimate one-on-one eight hour coaching experience - spread across a weekend -  to help you find a meaningful career aligned with your purpose.

Submitting an application and engaging in an enrollment call allows us to determine if CCID is the best way to support you towards reaching your career goals.

The application below has two parts:

1. You'll need to select a date and time that works for you to have your free 40-minute enrollment call. 

2. You'll fill out the short application form and submit it.

Immediately after completing your application, you'll receive a confirmation email with next steps.

You'll find a link that directs you to more information about the program (if needed) at the end of the application form.

Thank you and I'm so excited that you're interested in working together in Career Clarity in a Day.

VISA curriculum client results

Lauren went from stressed & unhappy to clear & confident.

Patsy went from losing confidence in herself to prioritizing her values.

Emily went from unhappy to confident in her next move.

Vanessa went from feeling stuck & unmotivated to clarifying her fulfilling role.

Got Questions? I've got Answers.


Why hire Tega?

I've been on a career path that didn’t align with who I was and made me miserable and constantly doubt my abilities and skills.

I’ve been able to turn my own confusion and frustration at work into the catalyst for developing my VISA framework that I now use to help other women get clear about who they are and find an aligned career.

Quick Qualifications

  • 5+ Years’ Experience Career Counseling & Coaching
  • Master’s in Counseling
  • PhD in Counselor Education
  • Licensed Professional Counselor
  • National Certified Counselor 
  • Certified Salary Negotiation Facilitator

What is the investment?

You have two investment options:

  • One time payment of $5,000 or
  • Four monthly payments of $1,420. If you choose the monthly payment plan, your first 2 payments must be received before your VIP Day.


How does this work?

CCID is an application only program. You’ll fill out the application and book your free 40-minute application call. If you’re a fit, you’ll be invited to make your first installment and book your VIP day.

You’ll receive pre-work that you’ll need to complete before our session together via email.

Then, we’ll have our 6-hour VIP weekend. Within 72-hours after our session, you’ll get your career clarity deliverables and schedule your 30-day follow-up call.

What do I get with Career Clarity in a Day?

When you invest in CCID, you’ll get

  • A 6-hour intensive clarity session ($3,600 value)
  • 30-day follow-up virtual call ($295 value)
  • The Career Clarity Curriculum ($1,500 value)
  • The Clarity Assessments ($295 value)
  • Custom career affirmations to help you develop the right mindset ($1,000 value)
  • Custom industry keyword suggestions for your top fulfilling option ($300 value)
  • BONUS: Your Joyful Career Planner ($47 value)
  • BONUS: Skills Action Plan Workbook ($37 value)
  • BONUS: Suite of networking emails scripts ($87)

How do I know if this is right for me?

CCID is right for you if:

  • You have more than 2 years of work experience and know that the path you’re currently on is not fulfilling.
  • You’re already determined to find a career that fulfills you. You just haven’t found the right guidance or resources.
  • You’re ready to do the self-work it takes to find your fulfilling career as long as you know that each action step you take is tailored for your needs.
  • You’re already investing time and energy trying to figure out why your current career isn’t working for you, but you keep hitting roadblock.
  • You're READY and able to make the investment necessary to find a fulfilling career that allows you to thrive in your zone of genius and live on purpose.
  • You don't want to waste anymore time being unhappy at work and are to get results FAST!

Will I have access to Tega after the 6 hours?

Yes! We'll have another 60-min call 30 days after our session, plus you'll get added to the Her Career Network community where you can get questions answered and access to resources.

Got More Questions?